Humor Blog Highlights

A.I.G. a Bunch of Souless Bloodsuckers? Well, Duh…

So did you hear the news earlier today about how A.I.G. is considering suing the U.S. government after receiving $182 billion in bailout money a couple of years ago for nearly causing the collapse of the US economy at large???

It wasn’t something that even The Onion could’ve made up, but I enjoyed the even more bitter twist that humorist Andy Borowitz put on it in his latest column nonetheless…

“Let’s say that you’re trapped in a burning building and a fireman pulls you out to safety. Once you’re out of the fire, though, you notice that the fireman carelessly ripped the lapel of your Armani jacket. Shouldn’t you be able to sue the fireman for the full cost of its replacement?”

 – A Letter From A.I.G. (by Andy Borowitz)

(via The New Yorker)

About Scott Sevener (580 Posts since 2001)
The Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Just Laugh, Scott writes about the random things in life that amuse him - from the miracle of childbirth to the bologna sandwich he just ate for breakfast. He currently resides in Tampa, FL with a girl, a baby, and a dog that never shuts the hell up.